Pet Sitter and Dog Walker


Pet Sitting and Care Services

Tails and Whiskers will entail the care of your animals in pet sitting, dog walking, hygiene, grooming and house sitting services within Northampton and surrounding areas.

Throughout your pet being in my care I can bring comfort to you in the fact that I am qualified in animal first aid for your furry friends, alongside 2 years of experience in dog grooming with every intention of completing the qualification to the full extent. I am also qualified in animal welfare with a level 3 and an extended diploma. Throughout my 7 years of experience in the animal welfare industry, I have gained important skills including administering medication when needed, creating special dietary requirements and picking up on behavioural issues or body language from an animal that may be uncomfortable, etc.

With this business, I am taking it as an opportunity to not only ensure your pets health and happiness within the care of its own home, but to also extend my knowledge on the domesticated and exotic animals that I have worked with prior, where I can. It is also an opportunity to provide the family comfort knowing that their furry friends are happy in the comfort of their own home with a qualified and dedicated animal lover.

My Promise To You

To keep your animals happy and healthy whilst under my care in their home environment maintaining a high level of care.


 To develop an understanding and relationship with your animals before caring for them with a visit to determine behaviour and further levels of care established.

To provide a reliable service to those who require it and outstanding level of care.

To be covered by relevant insurance to keep everybody involved safe to the highest standards.

To care for your pets the way that I would care for my own and the level of care I wish for mine to have.

Tails and Whiskers. All rights reserved 2022
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