About Tails and Whiskers

Your pet will be in safe hands

About Me

Hi, my name is Hollie-Mae! As a pet owner myself, I understand that you want to make sure your pet is happy and safe while you travel or work. I am a lover of all animals, big and small from dogs, to reptiles and even to arachnids. I will ensure your pet is happy and well taken care of whenever you are in need of my help.

 I have completed a level 3 extended diploma course in animal welfare at moulton college, gaining valuable experience that I can use when caring for your companions. I have also had two years of experience within dog grooming where I have worked in two salons and a mobile grooming gaining all of the knowledge I can. I am able to groom dogs head to toe and can keep on top of basic grooming whilst in my care. I have also managed to do a bit of basic cat grooming as well as small animals, such as hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits, etc.

Furthermore, I have also had my hand in dog training and behaviour where I am able to recognise body language and behaviours that they may be exhibiting in my presence or care to ensure they are happy and healthy whilst you are away. As well as dog training and grooming, I have done work experience in a cattery, giving me valuable experience where caring for your companions. I have gained skills such as customer service and time management to ensure the best service possible.

I am a huge animal lover, owning my own working cocker spaniel and 3 cats myself. I have also owned small animals such as 4 mice and a rabbit as well as having my own two fish tanks to keep on top of. I am very comfortable handling and caring for any animal, including reptiles, arachnids, birds, fish, mammals and even insects.

Tails and Whiskers. All rights reserved 2022
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