A 25% non-refundable deposit will be required on confirmation of booking. Amendment of booked dates will incur a £10 administration fee and will be subject to availability. Extra charges will be applicable for Bank Holiday dates, details on request.

Dog Visits and Walking

When searching for a sitter for your dog whether it is just a visit, walk or a night stay, I would highly recommend meet and greets before having your animal in somebody else's care. This is so that both the owners and the carer can communicate on behalf of the animals behaviours and needs.

My business offers a variety of services for you and your pets. Dog visits are highly popular if you are out for the day or work long hours. If required, I can offer daily visits for a desired time of your choosing. 

Furthermore, I can offer dog walking services of your choosing, including the time of day and how many times a day/week, as well as duration of time for each walk. A form will be required to be filled out regarding any medication, allergies, behaviours and preferences of where you wish your dog to be walked, etc.

Cats and Small Animals

I also offer visits for cats and small animals throughout the day. The durability of my visit is your choice as well as how many times a day/week you wish for me to visit. I can offer basic grooming, feedings, socialisation and handling, etc. 

In addition, I also offer any hutch cleaning for extra when caring for small animals, or enclosure reorganisation to keep them enriched throughout the period of time you are gone.

Day Visits and Overnight Stays

Finally, I can offer longer stays such as half days, full days or overnight stays as to whichever suits you best. A half day would consist of 4 hours, and a full day being 8 hours. Furthermore, overnight stays are also optional of 24 hours which will require me to stay within your home for the night. 


Throughout any of these options, all will be included, consisting of a dog walk, feedings, socialising and play and grooming. There will be forms required to be filled out regarding any medications needed, any restrictions for your pets as to where they should be left/out of bounds, etc.

Tails and Whiskers. All rights reserved 2022
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